Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

A side story of "The Two Poster"

What a week this and and last week is/was. I just realized now how fast time flew the last week since I haven't had posted anything new like as I promised it to do. Yeah well I have currently quite a lot of work and last week was not less filled work either. Actually I wanted to continue with the "Buying a bottle of wine". However since I am short this week of free time I have to skip it and thought it might be also interesting to you if I tell something that happened in my life about wine. So something like "mis en bouteille par de la vie" (filled into the bottle by the life). 
What was actually happening the last week? Ben, ppfff. I had some more work to do and also to prepare a poster and presentation which I had to hold in a full week seminar. I wasn't able to do anything for the presentation & the poster until Friday morning. So I worked on Friday until midnight for the presentation because I was going on Saturday to Birthday of a Club of my voluntary service. And I still needed to finish the poster on Sunday. Even tho the Friday and Sunday where filled with work I really enjoyed my time in Vihti. The club was having his 1st year Birthday so of course a lot of people were coming to this event, also some of my friends. It was a nice day which was helping to forget about the work and the upcoming seminar even tho I was very tired. Funnily I wasn't the only one who was tired like hell. Seemed like January had his toll on a lot of people, guess all the work which wasn't done in December before Christmas needed to be done right now in the week before the 1st Birthday party. Anyway we were hosted by the members of the local club in a nicely renovated old school building next to a lake. There was also a sauna which we visit in the evening, I also jumped after the sauna into the cold lake....brrr....c'etait froid!!!! But it was awesome and helped me to relax and enjoy every moment even more although the run back to the sauna was one of the longest so far that I have ever experienced. It took me more than 2-3 min in the Sauna until I felt warm again. Nice experience!

View from the Sauna over the Frozen lake, Moksi, Vihti
So after Sauna we were having a nice dinner with party games and some shows as well which the guest had to organize in some way. However during the dinner I was quite surprised that some of my Finnish friends which I haven't seen for 6 or more months were having some red wine (we had to bring our own drinks to the dinner). I doubt that I was having an influence on that or with my blog so I was quite curious about which one they would have chosen. It turned out that they just had picked up randomly and somehow I must say their choice was pretty good. Nevertheless I hope in the near future they might be not anymore relying on pure luck when going to buy a wine. 
Naturally (sounds weird but it started to become more natural to me to talk with people and friends about wine..) we talked about wine and my blog. When I was having a closer look on the bottles (I didn't taste the wine before that) I also read the posters - naturally - and read that the Australian wine (mince alors didn't wrote the name down!) was suppose to taste also like cacao......Cacao.... Cacao?? o-k-a-y. It happened that I read quite nearly about every kind of taste, I also tasted a red wine which smelled and tasted like a freshly cooked steak (Je crois au Dieu! More about this in another post!) but cacao was definitely never under one of those tastes. But I must say it was a nice cacao after-taste when having a glass of wine. It tasted like dark and bitter pure cacao. Not an very intensive taste but light and nicely around the tongue. I was positively surprised and after that of course I helped my Finnish friend to empty the bottle a little bit faster...well she wouldn't have finish the whole bottle by herself all alone, so I tried to be a gentleman in this moment... 

The interesting part about this bottle which was fascinating me a little bit, was the fact that the back poster actually gave me an idea about the aromas in the wine and was even able to taste it. I have encountered quite many wine where aromas were describes on the backside an I still was not able to taste them properly. I guess I am still not good enough to taste all of the different kind of aromas. So I am happy that I learned by coincidence something new by my friends!

Bon thats for today, I hope and will try hard to write one more post this week! So far - à bientôt mes amis!

-“Wine & Chocolate: your heart will hum, and your soul will sing.” Jim Trezise -

PS: I will post in the future also from time to time some nice saying about wine, which I found in a pdf-file from the "Word on wine" - New York Wine & Grape Foundation Revised 10/6/2005. Since they have gather a lot of word on wine or sayings about them, and I really like them, I see it right to mention that I got them from their pdf-file which was available for free on the website (which I cannot find at the moment). But anyway thank you very much for this!!!

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