Hei, I have been busy again and it seems it won't get less in the near future. Anyway I am feeling much better since my last post even tho all the work. Its getting recently more and more Spring alike in Finland, which means more sun! Thats a good boost for a lot more work coming up and also encountering some more outside activities! YES!!
After I have been posting the last time always about some private stuff mixed together with some basic and advanced wine "wisdom" I think its time to go a little bit more into detail again. So today its all about tannins.
What the hell are tannins? Some of you might know what it is or from where they come from, others might just wonder cause all the time tannins is somewhere written on a bottle and so whatever. Then again other associate headache with tannins. Yeah well tannins are like a part of the Yin and Yang system of the wine. Why? To explain this I have to start from actually a very interesting question is: 'What is/are tannin/s?'
Red grapes (c) Wikipedia; User Dragonflyir |
If you have a look onto a red grape. What do you see? Of course the red color! AHA! There you go! So polyphenolics are the red stuff in the grapes. Yes some of these polyphenolics are responsible for the color. In general the term polyphenolics in chemistry and biochemistry represents a huge and wide class of different chemical compounds (they do have some common similarities, otherwise it would be stupid to put them under all the same term, ain't?).
However you won't find polyphenolics not only the skin of the red grape, but also everywhere in the grape. Of course not all of them will give you a red color, some don't have any color, but nevertheless they contribute to the health and immune system of the plant and later also for our own health (I will come back to this in a short while).
Polyphenolics are substances that are produced by the plant in the secondary metabolism (its called like this because this metabolism is not primary necessary for the plant, but can be very very very advantageous; however it also cost the plant much more energy to produce these). Some other products of the secondary metabolism you might see in trees: Lignin is also a product of the secondary metabolism.
So polyphenolics are acting on one hand as radical scavenger. Radicals are generally produced in every organism under stress and can be harmful for the health. Therefore if you can somehow reduce these radicals its definitely good. On the other hand are working other polyphenolics like antibacterial and anti-fungal substance. Which means they either reduce the growth of harmful organisms or simply kills them (in high concentrations). A third advantage of polyphenolics is that some can absorb light (at least the one's which 'have' the color). We know all the results for having too much sun on our skin? Sunburn! So of course the plant tries also to reduce the sun influence to a certain degree.
To summarize some traits of the polyphenolics and what they can do:
1) Act as radical scavenger
1) Act as radical scavenger
2) Act like antibacterial and anti-fungal substances
3) Act as shield against too much sun damaging effects
Coming back to tannins. I said: "Well the word tannin is under wine-knowing people used to describes all the polyphenolics in the wine". That is true but often wine people do intend to use the word tannins most of the time for the polyphenolics that are the skin of the grape! That is because tannins are highly concentrated in the skin of grapes, to protect the grape at all costs. Also these tannins will give later the wine the color and the taste. So here we come to the part about the "dark" nature of tannins. The tannins are generally know for a "bitter" taste and also causing for some people headache or even stomach problems. It is the balance and the composition of the amount of different tannins and different grapes (we just leave also reasons and occurrences during the fermentation aside for now) that results in this unbelievable dark nature of wine.
I haven't read or heard a specific reason why some people react towards tannins with headache or even stomach problems. Even I sometimes can have troubles, that is depending on my personal feeling and stress level. So I guess as always it depends on the concentration of tannins that you uptake (okay now sounds like a medical description). On some days you are able to handle a lot and sometimes, well, less. However personally I think it also must have something to do with the receptors in our body that might react with different tannins differently (I don't have a number of how many different tannins are in nature, but believe me there are a lot. And "a lot" is not starting in hundreds).
So I hope you know have much more knowledge about the tannins, polyphenolics, Yin and Yang in wine. I will now head out and enjoy the rest of the sunny day outside! Hope you do the same!
À bientôt mes amis!
PS: I most probably won't be able to post anything next week due to the fact that I will attend at the weeding of two of my best friends and also will have some guests staying Helsinki.
À bientôt mes amis!
PS: I most probably won't be able to post anything next week due to the fact that I will attend at the weeding of two of my best friends and also will have some guests staying Helsinki.
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