Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

Awaking of the hibernation - reviving my blog

Me at the inner wall of Osaka castle
Salut à tous! (Hey everybody). My blog is back! So what the hell happened since the last post 9 months ago? Well, well, well, actually quite a lot. Too much to tell everything in detail, but it took me a while to figure a lot of things our personally and also I had just simply too much work to do and then most of the time was feeling too much crush than to be motivated and in the mood for writing a new post. I was afraid that the quality of my post would suffer, so therefore I took a short break... and yeah it became a longer one. Now I am feeling strong, encourage, motivate ...bla bla bla (long French sentences with loads of adjectives later).... I feel like a wine that had time to rest and mature. Period.
Kiyomizu-dera temple, Kyoto
Anyway now I am back! So what happened to me?
The short version:
1) Working quite much
2) Visiting Japan for a conference and for holidays (a dream that came true finally after 10 years of waiting! also meet a maiko and a geiko! awesome!) :D
Okonominyaki - food, awesome delicious
3) Read loads of books and had loads of wine's checked out for you! (Don't worry, I used the break wisley ;) I made pics and notes, just need to put them here!)
4) Working voluntary (became the new President of the new founded Leo Club Helsinki/UNLIMITED and at the same time Accommodation Manager for LEF 2013) (for more info about Leos and Lions Club International, please check the internet)
A temple in the royal place garden, Kyoto
5) Being the bride's Best man (okay yeah still its the Maid of Honor) of my two best friends. Yeah, that was quite work as well, but something that I didn't see as work, but it took quite much time for the wedding speech (ohlàlàlà, that was so emotional to write that thing and still tried to make it funny)! :D
6) Started to cook more intensivly fancy food and bref too many other details!
So after this short update about the events from last year that have influenced me quite much back to the writing.
For you guys important to know concerning updates: I won't be able to guarantee you every week an update. If you are lucky and I have time you will get one, but I try to aim at least every two weeks to give you a new post. The posts will also become shorter, while trying to keep the quality of it high!
So thats it for today mes amis! À bienôt! :) ahhhh ca fait du bien d'être retourné (ah it feels good to be back!)

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